I was selected by FutureFounder Brazil, where I will be learning about startup work culture and skills. This week I had the opportunity to study main topics about strategic analysis and objectives and key results (OKRs), and I have been challenged to perform a strategic analysis on a startup of choice. In order to do so, I selected Agrosmart, a Brazilian startup in Campinas (São Paulo), which provides technology to minimize the use of natural and chemical resources.
Conducting a Strategic Analysis
To conduct a strategic analysis, we should analyze the STEEPLE (Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political, Legal, and Ethical) structure and the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis of the company. By doing that, we aim to create a better overview of what should be their strategic actions. First of all, considering the macroeconomic situation (STEEPLE), Brazil has a developed agribusiness sector corresponding to over 25% of the national economy. This sector, however, has been internationally criticized for environmental issues. Considering that, the SWOT analysis has shown that Agrosmart has an opportunity to provide technologies to reduce environmental damages. However, in Brazil, Agrosmart is not the only company that provides such service (threat) and is also located in only one Brazilian state (weakness).
Defining a strategy
Taking into account all those characteristics, information, and research, we can define a strategy that provides solutions for weaknesses and threats. Thereby, we should aim to improve the Brazilian market share by considering the following criteria:
The threat of competing startups and the need to keep Agrosmart competitive;
Being based in only one state is one of Agrosmart's weaknesses as it makes it hard to provide faster services and build relationships with their customers;
The opportunity we can seize is that right now agribusinesses in Brazil are looking to engage in more sustainable practices, which is why Agrosmart can provide solutions.
Defining a strategic roadmap
After defining the main objective, the steps to apply this plan are activities, metrics, and resources. Here are three quantifiable key results:
Key Result: Create one branch office in each Brazilian region, thus having 4 new branch offices.
Key Result: Develop one kind of service or product affordable for medium and small farmers.
Key Result: Hire sales representatives for each Brazilian state (total of 26).
Below are three diagrams explaining each key result, as well as their activities, metrics, and resources:
If Agrosmart wishes to handle the rising of competitors and increase market share in Brazil, they need to build bridges with customers by fostering trust and emphasis in the agribusiness technology sector. To do so, it is essential that they develop a new product focused on medium and small farmer’s needs while creating branch offices and hiring sales representatives.
Key Takeaways
Notes about the strategic process: After completing this project, I realize how important and connected STEEPLE and SWOT analysis are with the importance to build a strategy. Furthermore, I believe I learned so much about the importance of the details and to be clearer in my communication while expressing the set of ideas, metrics, and activities. In addition, I hope my practice will allow me to have a more consolidated growth mindset.
Thank You.
Gustavo Pasqueta is an International Relations undergraduate student at the prestigious São Paulo State University (UNESP). He is the co-creator of the Pod-RI podcast and is also participating in FutureFounder Brazil. Gustavo loves movies and consider himself a "pseudocult."